LandScapes (vertical)

Yosemite FireFalls, Yosemite National Park
A rare occurance lasting seconds a few days a year after sunset.

Navajo Nation

Merced Carnage
Merced flood debris at the Valley View, Yosemite National Park

BridalVeil Falls in full color nearing sunset.
Aptly named for the wind plays with the veil bathed in the evening sunset.

Vernal Falls Up close, Yosemite National Park
Spring run off in Yosemite turns this peaceful waterfall into a raging torrent every year.
Yosemite falls in Winter
I have spent many hours at this spot just mesmerized!

The Whisperers
These giant walls look like like elongated faces talking to each other quietly, wiping to each other for thousand and thousands of years! I wonder what they are saying?
Tony Panzica Photography

Soul Consoling Tower
Manzanar was a concentration camp for Japanese citizens during world war 2. Japanese citizens from all over the U.S. were rounded up and forced to live there. You get an immense anger as you visit. The Translation reads, Soul Consoling Tower.

The Wall
Antelope Canyon early morning offers a rainbow of color rarely seen anywhere else on earth. You stare in wonder at the full spectrum of colors. Thankfully the Navajo Nation is the lone gatekeeper to this special landscape!

Vernal Falls, Yosemite National Park
Known as the Mist Trail, Vernal Falls, Yosemite.

Daytime Firefalls off of El Capitan
Taken 1 hour before sunset, FireFalls off of El Capitan, mid February

Trona Pinnacles
The southern end of the Mojave Dessert, The Trona Pinnacles old rock formations from under the ancient Lake Mojave during a clear sky capturing the Milky Way and shooting star.